What are your feelings about preschool?
I personally prefer a child-directed preschool environment, and find the Reggio-Emilia method very appealing. I have had some experience with High/Scope, which is used in Headstart, and appreciated how much the environment can direct the child's learning, while the child is busy doing what she or he wants to do.
Did you go to preschool as a child?
No, I did not. There were far less opportunities back in the dark ages of the 1950s! My socialization and school readiness came from being in a big family (three siblings), growing up in a neighborhood of young families, which meant I had a lot of childhood playmates nearby, and having a creative mother who played piano for us and gave us lots of play time.
Have you worked in a preschool?
Yes, I have directed two preschool programs, one that served as full-day care and the other, where I currently work, that serves as enrichment three mornings a week, with parents required to be on the school grounds, even if not in the classroom, while children are in attendance.
Do your kids attend preschool?
Two of my three children lived in a very rural area during their preschool years, and there was no preschool program available. The oldest was the only one to attend preschool, while I lived in Sacramento.
What type of preschool do YOU believe is best for children?
As I stated above, I believe in a well-constructed environment that allows children to make choices as to type and timing of activity. While the teachers may be the ones bringing out materials each day, or deciding when to go outside as a group, I like to see children have the time and place to work in uninterrupted fashion on what interests them at the moment.
Any other thoughts on education for our under 5 population?
I believe our under 5 population needs and deserves the public support given to our elementary and secondary school systems. Only then will they have the quality and dedication of their teachers assured to them. Presently, there is high teacher turnover, and teachers constantly leaving and entering the field because of the low wages and difficulty assuring a livelihood. The quality varies greatly and many children do not have access to a high-quality preschool experience. Some of these children never get the chance to play in a developmentally supportive environment.
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I agree, if our preschool system had the equivalent support given to the elementary and secondary schools, we should see more child-centered programs, which are proven to be much more beneficial to the children. Instead of "No Child Left Behind" we should have "Every Child Deserves a Child Centered Program".
Hi Birdsong,
Thanks for the comment on my blog. Just wanted to let you know that Bev is having an Open House tomorrow Oct 14 from 5 to 7pm, at the preschool (50 Corporation Yard Rd,Gate J, Roseville, 95678 - 916 786-9536). Our teacher Danielle is going to be there...I'll try to show up... even though I am familiar with the preschool, it's always an inspiration to hear Bev talk :-) Maybe we'll get to meet personally ? :-)
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